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Patrick OLIVA, President

A double challenge: 
educate about mobility issues/solutions
and solve the territorial problem!

We are in an increasingly mobile world. This growth in mobility for both people and freight has allowed, in a century, an extraordinary development of the world. But this positive balance has a reverse: CO2 emissions, pollution, congestion, the territorial inequity that still exists... We must correct these defects, move on to a phase of positive transformation that builds a sustainable future on Earth. and which preserves the right to mobility.

Nous sommes dans un univers de plus en plus mobile. Cette croissance des mobilités tant pour les personnes que pour le fret a permis, en un siècle, un développement extraordinaire du monde. Mais ce bilan positif a un revers : les émissions de CO2, la pollution, la congestion, l’inéquité territoriale qui existe encore... Nous devons corriger ces défauts, passer à une phase de transformation positive qui construise un avenir durable sur la Terre et qui préserve le droit à la mobilité.

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OrbiMob', association law 1901, has a vocation of public utility. Its objective is to help the multiple actors of mobility to structure a successful transformation: economically accessible and generating a better life in town and in the countryside.


It is made up of 5 colleges representing stakeholders /Citizens - to create a dynamic ecosystem and coordinate the actions needed to achieve its 10 goals. OrbiMob' is hosted by the IADT, Auvergne Institute for Territorial Development and is waiting for you.Join us today to go faster and see further!

Mobility in the territories, what are we talking about?

Individual and collective movement of people/transportation of goods necessary for economic activity in aradius of 100 to 150 km around a large urban area: intra-urban mobility; urban/rural link; displacement in rural areas; connection between job centers...

Mobility is defined as the ability (or possibility) to change position in a given system, whether spatial, economic or social.


To cover the subject of transformation is to rely on :

  • the variety of demand for mobility and transport by civil society, companies, State services, etc.

  • the response provided by the State (all levels) with organizational regulations and travel management

  • local resources, geographical diversity, populations, climate...

  • the means already made available to carry out collective and individual trips (infrastructure, facilities, etc.)

  • global best practices

to propose a coordinated, rapidly effective strategy more seductive than constraining.

Our 10 goals

10 objectives of OrbiMob'
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